Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Oh donuts! How you ruin me!

Yesterday, I did really well. I stayed within my calories, though just slightly under. Then, my cousin (and husbands best friend) stopped by to drop off a small box of donuts from his work. He's of the mind that you shouldn't waste those things, and his work throws away about 3 or 4 boxes each evening. So he takes them home, or gives them to people.

I couldn't resist the maple bar! Luckily, it only pushed my calories over my limit by about 175 calories, but wow! I mean, I resisted the temptation for a whole two hours, and I know I should've put the box in the corner of the kitchen where I wouldn't see (or smell) it every time I walked by. Then, when I picked it up, I told myself I would only eat half of it, but that really only works for me if I immediately cut it in half and put the other half away. I've got these tricks; I just keep forgetting or forgoing them. I'm going to have to work on that though

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