Sunday, March 21, 2010

So totally awesome!

This weekend I did really well eating-wise. Yes, I did eat out but I kept pretty close track of my points and did really well!

Yesterday, I spent about 3 hours cleaning around the house. I cleaned the inside and outsides of the windows (must have some kind of spring-cleaning bug), cleaned out an entire! closet and most of the garage. Then we had a delightful bonfire, which was so fun! The weather was perfect.

And while I was cleaning out the closet, I found a book that I found last year where I took the measurements before starting Barry's Bootcamp, and compared with my measurements that I took yesterday for fun. In the last 14 months, I have lost a total of 26 inches!!! 2 1/2 in my bust, 1 in my hips, 12 in my right thigh, and 11 1/4 in my left thigh. Isn't that amazing?!!?!? I haven't kept track of my measurements at all for the year, which I'm thinking I may keep closer track of now, since there's an obvious difference!

So I'm feeling pretty stoked. I found our Barry's Bootcamp again, and I decided I'm going to follow their 30 day program for working out, and then I'll measure again and see where I'm at. There's bound to be a difference, which would be fantastic to see. So we'll see what happens with it!

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