Monday, January 25, 2010

A positive attitude

I'm feeling like I crossed a landmark for myself! I haven't weighed myself yet this wek, so I don't know (won't know) how much I weigh until tomorrow at my weight watchers meeting. However, 6 out of the last 7 days I reached my target in points, but didn't go over. I worked out for an hour, and was very aware of what I was putting into my mouth.

I feel as positive today about my future weight loss as I did when I started this journey, which is saying something because we all know how enthusiasm tends to lag when things slow down. I also made lunch and (often breakfast) for Jeff and myself all last week, as well as dinner for 6 out of 7 nights. Definitely things have been going well.

For the last 2+ months, I'd been hovering at the same weight. 300 pounds. The first month I was on SparkPeople, I think I lost about 10 pounds, the second month about 5, and after that, I just sat there. I know I wasn't as gung ho as I was in the beginning, and I think that may have been a major reason for the unmoving scale. It seems to me that I do well a couple of months, then slow down, and what's gotten me started in the right direction again is weight watchers and the Beck Diet Solution, which has worked wonders with my mental attitude.

It's like I've gotten the kick in the pants that I've been needing to straighten out again. Although I have to say; the fact that I didn't gain any weight after the first 2 months is really good. In a way, I maintained just perfectly, and everything stayed in the same place! Victory for me!!!

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